Wednesday, 30 June 2010

High Peak Radio interview

Please tune in to High Peak Radio on Thursday morning, 1st July to hear an interview about the Joint Core Strategy and how the housing proposals may affect Chapel-en-le-Frith

Saturday, 26 June 2010


We have recently learned of the Joint Core Strategy Summary Paper dated June 2010. For the Central Area, this includes ONLY CHAPEL WEST for broad development of 430-530 dwellings. If, like us, you thought Chapel West was one of a number of possible sites, please look closely at the Summary Paper, which is available at:

Friday, 25 June 2010

Just arrived ? Please start here ............

For anyone just finding this site for the first time, please start at:

Visualisation of part of the completed housing development

An artist's impression of the area around Chapel West as it currently appears, and as a part of it it would appear after the development of the Joint Core Strategy housing development for Chapel West ('Option CB') is available. We can't show the full extent of the development on this site. However, a 1-page pdf file is available by e-mailing

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Chapel Parish Council Meetings

Chapel Parish Council will discuss the Joint Core Strategy during the Council meeting on Tuesday 6th July. Members of the public may, upon prior arrangement with the Clerk of the PC, speak for 3 minutes for or against the proposals.

Chapel-en-le-Frith Parish Council will discuss their response to the Joint Core Strategy proposal at their Planning Committee meeting at 19:30 on Wednesday 7th July. Members of the public can attend this meeting BUT may not speak.

High Peak BC presentation from Chapel public meeting

The powerpoint presentation that was used at the Chapel event can be accessed at:
Scroll down until you find the reference to the public meeting.

We now have a pdf copy of the powerpoint file referred to above. A copy is available by e-mailing

As suspected,Chapel West is vulnerable, as shown by the following extracts ...............

"A broad location for growth to the south west of Chapel-en-le-Frith has been identified due to the availability of land, the close proximity to the railway station and the absence of Green Belt"
"...a broad location to the south west of Chapel-en-le-Frith to accommodate 430-530 dwellings"

Monday, 21 June 2010

How to respond to the consultation ......

This is what matters ...........

A Justification Document (520KB) has also been prepared that outlines the background and reasoning behind the preferred Core Strategy. This document is available at:

The Evidence Base that underpins the Draft Plan can also be viewed. Links to various documents under this heading are at:

People who have expressed an interest in this issue will shortly be meeting to discuss how to respond. Initial suggestions include:

  • Demonstrate theat the consultation process is flawed (most people don't seem to know about it) and the proposals are likely to be revised once central government targets for growth are delivered in July.
  • Challenge the basis for the consultation ...... the total sample of returned questionnaires was small.
  • Challenge the proposals on the basis of infrastructure issues (road access, road congestion, drainage, school capacity)
  • Challenge the proposals on the basis of environmental issues (goes against guidelines for preserving countryside, etc)
  • Challenge the proposals on the basis of economic reasons ... where are the jobs that 400-500 families would come to ?
  • Make counter-proposals.

Watch this space, or better still contact us using

The way to respond is as follows:

If you would like submit your views on the Draft Plan or the draft Sustainability Appraisal Report, you may do so by using one of the following methods:

Use of the consultation website provides several benefits and enables consultees to:

  • Read the Joint Core Strategy and supporting documents online
  • Submit your comments online (registration required)
  • Read all comments submitted by other consultees, including those submitted by post, email or online.
  • Further information is available on the consultation website, including help on how to register and submit comments.
  • A step-by-step guide to registering on the consultation website and submitting comments is also available.

High Peak Land has an interest in the proposals

Make what you will of this ................ extracted from

2.2.7 Persimmon Homes, High Peak Land and Mr Robinson contend that Buxton should not be the main focus of growth in High Peak. They argue that the scale of development proposed for the town would encroach into the surrounding open countryside, and that the settlement is not well-placed to accommodate development pressures which cannot be met in surrounding Boroughs. Instead they believe that the Central Area, and Chapel in particular, is better placed to meet the stated aims of the Council. A number of other objectors, whilst not specifically objecting to this part of the Plan, make the same general point.

Public Meeting .......

Last week's public meeting in Chapel-en-le-Frith was well attended, but many people have said they didn't know about it until after the event.

The official presentation given at last week's meeting may be viewed here:

A further public meeting will be held on 22 June in Buxton, details as follows:

Pavilion Gardens manned exhibition 2-6pm
Public meeting Pavilion Gardens 7-9pm

Full details may be found at:

I have arranged for the information boards relating to Chapel-en-le-Frith to be displayed at the Buxton event, and HPBC have agreed we may attend provided we don't 'flood' the meeting which is intended for Buxton residents.

If you choose to attend, please post any feedback on this page. Thank you.

Just arrived ?

For anyone just finding this site for the first time, please start at

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Your views and comments are welcome .......

The purpose of this blog was to provide some information on the proposals, and to generate some opposition to the building plans as they currently relate to Chapel-en-le-Frith. Please let us have your views, or at least let us know you're reading this.
Thanks :)

How sensible is this Consultation ??

The Derbyshire Dales & High Peak proposal for housing development under the Joint Core Proposal is based on growth targets from the previous government. The consultation ends on 15 July and later that same month, new central government guidelines for housing are expected. So, it is likely that the proposals will need to be revised. We have established from a HPBC representative that under these circumstances, a fresh consultation will be required.

Surely this consultation could have waited until the new government guidelines ?
In a time of spending cuts, look at this for an example of inefficient spending !

Friday, 18 June 2010

Illustration of 'Option CB' in the Joint Core Proposal

Some people have found it difficult to visualise the proposed development areas in the Joint Core Proposal. To make it easier, John B has mapped the 'Option CB' onto the real map opposite.
This area starts at Crossings Road, covers both sides of Manchester Road, over the Golf Course (!) and round to Downlee Close / Marsh Green and Chapel High School. We anticipate it's a notional area, but it shows the extent of the proposed development area. ......... Consider for a moment the effect on local roads and drainage.

Affordable housing according to demand ?

We all recognise the need for affordable homes. But in proportion to the need. The justification for large-scale housing development according to the 2009 questionnaire is weak.

It is important that you have your say on the Derbyshire Dales and High Peak proposals. If they go ahead, the appearance and character of Chapel-en-le-Frith would change dramatically. Not to mention the impact on roads, local services, etc.

Meeting with HPBC

We are setting up a meeting with the Councillor responsibe for planning at High Peak Borough Council. If you have any questions you'd like us to raise, please us the 'Comments' space below or contact us by e-mail using

Joint Core Strategy

The document looks like this ......... it's important that you have your say on these proposals which, if they go ahead, may radically change the appearance and character of Chapel-en-le-Frith. Not to mention the impact on roads, local services, etc.
If you're not sure what is all means, please contact us using

Please start here ..........

Did you know ?

Derbyshire Dales District Council and High Peak Borough Council have responded to government growth targets by proposing the building of about 6,000 new homes between now and 2026. This is part of a wider plan for growth.

Several possible areas have been identified for development, and two of these are in Chapel-en-le-Frith.

The consultation process for these proposals ends on 15 July !

New central Government policy may give revised targets for development, in which case further proposals will be necessary and a second round of consultation is expected.

A decision on the proposals is expected by March 2011.

The purpose of this blog is to provide information and assist residents who wish to oppose the plan.

What can you do ?

· Obtain a copy of the proposal document ‘Joint Core Strategy’, available from Buxton library and online at

The June-2010 Summary Paper is available here
Please note that the details of the Central Area are different from the Joint Core Strategy document. In the Summary Paper, ONLY CHAPEL WEST IS INCLUDED FOR THE CENTRAL AREA.

If you wish to comment on the proposals, you can do this by post or online at

· To oppose the proposals, please ensure your comments contains strong arguments. HPBC has already told us that it is the strength of arguments which succeeds, not the weight of responses.

· Contact your local MP

· Notify and inform others who may have missed the recent public meeting

· For further information contact Hugh Barton using